How to Blog or Website appear on First Page and the First Rank

How to Blog or Website appear on First Page and the First Rank

How to Blog or Website appear on First Page and the First Rank, Now I will make the article How to Blog or Website appear on First Page and the First Rank on google and all the living engine of the browser. Indeed to get our articles located on page one and the rank 1 is very hard, what more do not have SEO on your blog or website.

So How to Blog or Website Appears at Rank 1, will clarify below. simply you make on your blog or website. This is the first thing that needs to be done so that your website can easily be number 1 in Google Search Engine.

SEO and rank 1

Using the google keyword research keyword planner then this is the first thing to be done in the plan of making a website, so the website mate easier to appear to be number one on a google search with the keywords that will be possible.

Keyword Research How to Blog or Web Appears at Rank 1 or keywords that many people search on Google, it is a part of Loading techniques to learn SEO Google. Because with the science of google SEO website that got we will easily be number one in google.

The following basic things that need to be on notice of the SEO in order to make the website easy to be number one in google :
  • Use a Domain name for your website with a lot of keywords on google and its search, at least 100 of the search to the top with the competition of 10 million down.
  • Avoid using domain name branded as your own name, such as, because not many people typing on the internet with the word, unless you understand SEO, it's no problem to make a branded domain names as well. So it would be better to use the long tail words 3 or 4 words of the keyword searches that much ended.
  • Use the Template that is SEO Friendly.
  • Plan for post-the posts that will be in the post, in order to have an idea what will be in the create postings. Sehinnga will be diligent to make articles on his website.
  • Do Link Building in each article posting naturally, at least impressed.
Other tips so that Website Into One Ranking you can do by way of the one below as I have ever done before.

Rank 1 and SEO

The hierarchy of headings should be good for SEO blog

A good blog hierarchy in terms of headings will help improve the position in Google. Make sure the most important points in the given tag, h1 and h2 tags given discussion points. If h2 still has points of discussion, then give the h3 tag.

In fact Google is still using the H1 tag as part of the 200 ranking factors which give the page rankings in Google engine to make ends meet. But this does not mean that you can add multiple tags H1 on every page of your Web site because only one H1 tag is allowed on each page and you can use these other post such as H2 or H3 to avoid over using H1 tags.

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The Main Brief Paragraph SEO

Brief paragraph is intended to give a brief overview of the content of the article. This paragraph should also contain keywords that brother Chase, and make sure the print is given a thick. My own usual put main brief paragraph is at the beginning or at least the second or third paragraph.

SEO Templates

This section is already entered on the layout and the look of the website we build, but don't get me wrong if this is also the most important part to be aware of in order to make our website easy to rank 1 in google, especially how it looks simple and have the loading speed of no more than 5 seconds each time in access.

Interlinking Between the articles for SEO

Make sure each article you made has a link to that article. The more important an article on a blog, then the more link that refers to that article. This would make the article has the most power of all articles in the blog and make the article a chance to grab a large rank 1 in Google optimization if you do it correctly.


The meaning of a backlink here are links or links from other websites that point to the main page or the article blogmu. For the moment this is not the amount that counts but the quality of the link, and most are containing anchor text or keywords that match the theme of the blog themes, for example the question of ' how to make all things ' as did CaraSpot, then at least backlinknya include either of those words for easy get ranking points from google.

Use the Sitemap on your Blog for SEO

This Sitemap will help visitors to your blog to find the list of articles you have. But there is one thing to note here, that is the number of links should be restricted to just 100 links only for each sitemap.

A Descriptive title tags for SEO

This is a very important factor in the plan you are pursuing a position 1st ranking in Google. Title tag has a role and a very big points, so don't waste title tags. For wordpress blog usually stay use plugins like SEO by Yoast, but blogspot users to be by directly setting by logging in to the Dashboard. But for bloggers, you only need to edit the HTML Template directly on her your own.

Title Tag has a role and a very big points, so don't neglect this title tag. And we recommend that you use the title tag of no more than 70 characters, do not forget to also limit the title tag of 5-10 words only. Because if so, it will result in the URL Link to your postings are not SEO friendly and this is not preferred by the googlebot.

Rank 1 and SEO

Images For SEO

A good blog template and could affect its position in google is a minimal use of images in it. Indeed won't affect the ranking of articles in search engines, but indirectly would give an impact on the number of visitors, because if they have to wait for a long time just to read the 1st article alone caused a slow loadingnya then the visitor will certainly prefer to close it and move on to another website.

Tags on Amber's probably always ignored by most SEO when optimizing a website but have the tag alt on image help Google crawlers to understand whether a picture is something that is very important when optimizing for search crawl web images.

Meta description that is natural for SEO

Usually a lot of bloggers that use the meta description with so many repetitions of keywords. Do not let the meta description is not provided in templatenya. Once again, please use the Yoast for WordPress, but for those who use blogger then simply do a light in the dashboard section of the settings and at the time of writing the article.

The use of Meta Description should have keywords in connect with the title tag, and certainly of many keyword searches on google, at least over 100 searches per month. Please use a meta description is not to exceed 150 characters, and should avoid the word repeated more than twice.

Natural Link Building That Impressed For SEO

After the penguins this is something very important to keep your friends limit.

Check The Page Loading Speed For SEO

If the speed of page load site longer than usual, users can return to the search results of a search and find other websites load faster. Behavior that gives negative experience to Google can affect your ranking in the future.

Widgets For SEO

Most bloggers who also wanted her blog appears on the first page of google is not paying attention to the question of the use of widgets, most of them are just pairs of origin is not important, even though the effect will result in the loading of the blog are also increasingly slows down, other than that not necessarily all we wear people will use, for example the date widget, animations, and more. If you want to mimic the Master, they generally use only the latest and the most popular Articles widget and the Like Box to add social media to their blog readers, the rest they avoid because it does not create good SEO.

How to Blog or Web Appears at Rank 1, So the rank 1 in Google or blog entry so that the first page of Google and other search engines simply by knowing the 3 principal settings above, to make sure nothing is missed so you can win the competition with other Web sites. Again, anything that we do in fact depends on us, the more disciplined persistence is done faster then views the outcome.

How to Blog or Website appear on First Page and the First Rank Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Ambil Hikmah

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