Summary Of Basic Computer Technology

Summary Of Basic Computer Technology

The computer is a series or group of electronic machines that consists of thousands even millions of components that can cooperate, as well as forming a working system that is neat and thorough. This system could then be used to carry out a series of job automatically, based on the sequence of instructions or programs that are given to him.

Summary Of Basic Computer Technology

The existing definition gives the meaning that the computer has more than one part to each other to work together, and that the new parts could work if there was a flow of electricity that flows in it. The term about a group of machines, or terms concerning millions of components known as computer hardware or computer hardware.

Computer hardware can also be translated as tools of the computer itself pisik. Equipment which is held can be seen, pisik, or moved.

In this case, the computer may not be able to work without any program that has been put into it. This program could be a procedure of peng-operasian from the computer itself or the various procedures in terms of processing data that has been defined earlier. And it is this programs are then referred to as computer software or computer software.

In a sense the most widespread, computer software could be interpreted as an operating procedure. An event broadcast by TVRI, can be considered as software from a television equipment. So it is with the music that has been recorded above the above data tapes, paper, as well as stories or descriptions that exist in a book.

In principle, the computer is simply is a tool; A tool that can be used to help humans in completing his work. To be able to work, the tool requires the existence of programs and people. Understanding human later known with the term brainware (users).

The concept of hardware-software-brainware is the concept of a single tri-can not be separated with each other. For the first step, the humans must enter first into the computer program. After following the program stored in the computer, then the computer can work to help resolve the issue in a man or his work.

Definition Of Website

Web sites (United Kingdom: website) is an interconnected web pages are generally located on the same server contains a collection of information that is provided for individual, group, or organization. A web site is usually placed at least on a web server that can be accessed over a network such as the Internet or a local area network (LAN) via the Internet addresses known as URLs.

Combined over all publicly accessible site on the Internet known as the World Wide Web or as more commonly known by the acronym WWW. Though at least the home page of the Internet site are generally publicly accessible freely, in practice not all sites provide freedom for the public to access it, some websites require visitors to register as a member, or even ask for payment to be has to be able to access the content contained within the website, such as websites that feature pornography, news websites, email services (e-mail) , and others. These restrictions generally done for reasons of security, respect for privacy, or because a specific commercial objective.

A web page is a file that is written as a plain text file (plain text) that are arranged and combined in such a way with instructions-based HTML or XHTML, sometimes also disisipi with a bit of scripting language. The file is then rendered by a web browser and displayed as a page on a computer monitor.

The web pages accessed by users through a network communications protocol known as HTTP, in addition to increasing the security aspects and aspects of better privacy, web sites can also implement mechanisms of access through HTTPS protocol.

To provide you with a website, then it should be available penunjangnya elements, are as follows :

1. domain name (Domain name/URL – Uniform Resource Locator)

Domain name or commonly referred to as the Domain Name or URL is a unique address in the internet world which is used to identify a website, or in other words domain name is the address that is used to find a website on the internet. Example:

The domain name extension is the international air-com, net, org, info, biz, name, ws. Examples of domain name extensions conditioned location Country Indonesia is :
  • for business entity which has legal entity legitimately
  • : for educational institutions
  • : Specifically for government agencies of the Republic of Indonesia
  • : Specific to the military Institution of the Republic of Indonesia
  • : to all sorts of means organizations not included in the category of "", "", "", "" etc.
  • PS: for internet cafés industry in Indonesia
  • : specific to the institution which organizes such education elementary, junior high and HIGH SCHOOL or
  • : intended for businesses, organizations or individuals who perform activities on the World Wide Web.

Summary Of Basic Computer Technology

If you want to know more about all existing domains page hits The meaning and much domain.

2. place Home website (Web hosting)

Web Hosting refers to a room in the hard place of storing various data, files, images, videos, data, email, statistics, databases and so on will be displayed on the website. The magnitude of the hosting is determined by the size of harddisk spaces MB (Mega Bytes) or GB (Giga Byte). Old web hosting hire average calculated per year. The hosting is done from rental companies web hosting which many tenants are found both in Indonesia and abroad. The location of the placement of the data center (datacenter server) web hosting. Some were in Jakarta, Singapore, United Kingdom, America, etc. with rental prices vary.

Summary Of Basic Computer Technology Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Ambil Hikmah

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