The meaning and much domain

The meaning and much domain - I am here to write about the sense and various domains, the understanding is as follows :

1. COM
Abbreviation of the Commersial meaning Commercial. These domain extensions reserved business is generally well on blog/website or private companies. Initially, the domain name dot com names intended for commercial or business institutions, such as its abbreviation: commercial, such as company names, product names, and brand names.

2. NET
Short for Network/Networking and that means network. These domain extensions reserved for the names that are associated with a network, the computer company, IT and internet services like. But generally the use of this domain are also commonly used for anything like the dot com domain, it is because there are no special requirements when listing. as with any dot com, because it can be registered without special requirements. Typically, if the dot com is already taken, then there is the option of taking a dot net.

The meaning and much domain

3. ORG
Org stands for Organization (Organization). This extension is very precise and is intended for blogs/websites of organizations, specific institutions or clubs. This domain also has no special conditions to get it. Even though it can be used for just about any website, including personal websites, but generally the dot org website used to institutions. Rarely there are personal websites using domain name dot org.

4. the BIZ
Biz stands for Business (business enterprises). Although BIZ could be used for this type of blog/website anything, however, the extension is more precise and often used for business/business, business institutions, online stores and other related. This domain extension was in fact virtually the same goal with .com and .net can be used as an alternative if the domain is already there who got.

Info stands for Information or information. The domain of this type can be used for just about any blog/website including personal blogs. But more precise Info domain extensions used on your blog/website is information such as traffic, Health, history and others. Use this domain does not have specific requirements to get it.

6. TV
Likely means Television. This domain is intended to be used on a blog/website that contains Entertainment such as television, Radio, magazines and others.

7. Name
Has the meaning of a name, this Domain is intended for the personal or family identity. This domain is the perfect use for owners of blogs/websites who want to commemorate the name/identity of her own personal or family.

8. CO.ID
Abbreviation of the Company Indonesia, Indonesia company. From the name alone, it's obvious she domain "dot dot aidi ko" is reserved for the company's website, it is also the name of the product, or brand that has the identity of Indonesia.

9. OR.ID
An abbreviation for the Organization Indonesia, Indonesia. It's obvious, this domain name to the name of the Organization in Indonesia, such as organizations, political parties, NGOs. There are special conditions to be able to use the domain, i.e. photo ID penganggung, notary deed, and SK Internal Organization.

10. AC.ID
Abbreviation of the Academy, the Academy of Indonesia Indonesia. This domain name for the website (the Academy) educational institutions, particularly community colleges, high schools, or universities. There are special conditions for use, i.e. photo ID in charge, SK Depdiknas Establishment and Appointment of Rector/SK Chairman.

11. SCH.ID
Abbreviation of Indonesia, Indonesia school School. Domain name specific to elementary school up to HIGH SCHOOL/SLTA. Photo ID requirement: the person in charge and the statement of the head of school.

12. GO.ID
Abbreviation of Government Indonesia, the Government of Indonesia. Domain name specifically for agencies or Government institutions, including the kementeria, the provincial government, city governments, and institutions in other countries. Special conditions: photo ID, in charge of the application letter in the sign.

There are still many other domains that you can use for as your website address. Thank you've visited my blog and always visit my blog.

The meaning and much domain Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Ambil Hikmah

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