Electric-Field Style

Electric-field style that is electrostatic Style experienced by one unit of positive charge placed at that point per unit charge. Is defined as the quotient of the electric style that works for a big test with charge charge test.

A Large electric field of an electrically charged object called a strong electric field. If a test charge q ' is placed in an electric field of an electrically charged object, the stronger the electric field E is the big electric F style that arose between the two divided a large charge test.

Electric field strength is also a vector quantity because it has a direction, then the addition of an electric field between two or more must use vector summation. The direction of the electric field of a positive charge at a given point is left out or charge. There is also, the direction of the electric field of a negative charge at a given point is in or headed to this charge.

1. at some point due to A Charge Source

For example, there is a point P that is a r of a payload the q source, then the direction of the electric field strength at a point P in line with the style of the elektrostatis experienced by a test charge q ' positively placed on that point, and is described as follows :

Electric-Field Style
2. Due to Some Charges

The electric field is the force of the electric charge of the Union. Because the force of electricity following the principle of superposition in vector, so also happens to the electric field. This means the electrical field strength of multiple point charge is the amount of electric field strength vector from each point charge. Suppose two electrical charge + q1 and q2 is located – as seen in the picture :

Electric-Field Style

The strong electric field due to the charge on P + q1 is E1 which direction away from q1 and strong electric field due to the charge, in p. – q2 is E2 to q2. Vector summation method, so the total electric field strong at the point P (Ep) are :

Electric-Field Style

Electric-Field Style Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Ambil Hikmah

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